Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The world's ending potponed

Harold Camping is an old, wrinkled, one-testicled nut case that convinced us all that the world was going to end on May 20th, and he got some major fans too while at it, coz on the 18th May, guys went over to chicks and had new pick up lines; “babe, remember when u said u could only have me if the world was ending??? Well, u have 2 days to go………bitch!! Now where and when???”

Just as we thought that it was a hoax by some crazy loon that was so old he knew he was going to die anyway, shit started happening.

Bin Laden got killed on May 3rd! This infidel-cleansing-self-appointed religious crusader had eluded the world for decades and had acquired Satan-like status, “too bad even for God to catch!” If Bin Laden can get killed, then this world is surely coming to an end.

Oprah’s show got killed: The chick said it’s her last season after 25 years on air. Now how shall we know what book to read? On whose couch shall Tom Cruise jump after getting a new chick? How will Obama win a re-election? How will WBS survive with it’s only remaining talk show, “Jam Agenda”? The world will just end!

The pope on twitter: After a lot of soul searching (and finding only child-boy molesters), the catholic church decided it was time to get hip, groove to the jive and have swag! They first opened a facebook page which was quickly filled with stray confessions from chaps that couldn’t get up for the 7am mass and requests for “penance” by some perverts! They then decided to go twitter on 29th June with the Pope Benedict XVI (no relation to the BMW X series) sending the first tweet, “"Dear Friends, I just launched News.va. Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ! With my prayers and blessings, Benedictus XVI". Are these the same guys that have still jammed that the world is round? For real? The world must be ending.

The US gets bankrupt: Ok not yet, but they shall be declared “bankrupt” on August 1st if they don’t meet their 1 trillion dollar debt, most to China. Now who is going to remove Ghaddafi from power? Who is going to lecture Kagu when he goes for a 5th term? Who is going to lecture Mugabe? Shall they still refuse his wife to shop there? They badly need dimes? This is it!

Chameleon gets another hit: For real? After 10 years of this shit? His new catch line is “me set the trend and de adaz fallo menga it’s now a new same raga beat for 4 songs in a row! This world should end!

Another building collapses in Ntinda – that’s normal;

“Election loser Mbabali withdraws case against VP Sekandi yet he looke like he was set to win – denies taking 200 million shilling bribe” – that’s normal stuffs!

1 comment:

Ms.Drama said...

on a serious note.. the world as you knew it DID end..$2600 ...fuel 3750

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