Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Porn Again Church of Pastor Sempa!!

The "Pentecostal church", what a bunch of collosal failures, i mean the preachers, not the believers!

First, i gather wind of some disturbing stuffs, Pastor Sempa showed a pornography video of 2 men doin the damn thing, mbu "to show how bad this shit really is", then that greedy billy goat Benny Sin, or rather Benny Hinn, got the boot from his wife of 30 years, and trust red pepper to come up with "the untold story", which says that he was actually the guy in the videos Pastor Sempa had been showing just days prior to the divorce filing, apparently he is an ass licker, not the corporate political type that does what it takes to please the boss, but literally, and his boss is a fellow man!

Makin fun of religion as an institution is one thing, could get you shot by some overzealous fanatic that beleives all this shit, like the guy that beat up his wife for daring to say Man U is some bullshit team, he is still on the run, and the wife is still in intensive care, it's therefore scary to jump on chap's beliefs, but as for their shepherds, the gay pastor ones, fuck 'em!!

So here's how the service went (Sempa's).

Opening scene; a church, somewhere on Makere Uni campus, time check, 9 am.
Enter a pastor with a flat screen tv and dvd player, worshippers think they have FINALLY gotten the time to watch "the passion of Christ" for free.

Enter Pastor, as usual, he has one message, "fuck gay punks", "I know most of you have come in here today to get the day's message, and oh, you also may want to drop in a few confessions to the big man, you naughty people you, but then, when i really think about it, that won't do me any good, now will it?? I led a rally last year on Kampala road for the immediate release of Rose Kabuye from France, mbu she had commited genocide, it really had nothin to do with my work as God's servant but fuck it, i wanted to see my picture in the papers, that didn't really work, even after protesting to the gates of the French embassy"

"Amen.........amen brothers and sisters!"

"After that, I discovered that my fellow Pastor Kayanja was gay, like a freagin old boy of Kasasa in the 90's! Makin noise didnt help me much either. So I held a HUGE anti-gay rally in Mbale, just here here last week, but CNN hasen't even called me for a one on one (I would prefer it on Amanpour by the way, just in case u call, sench u!) So, with that little history, I present to you the first gay porn movie ever, so those of you that came here today to be born again, you are lucky, coz you shall also be porn again!!"

Time check...9.15AM, and a porn movie is screened in church! Several tittles have been suggested coz we don't know what the heck was shown,

1- Mary's poppin - By Anna Porn-ikova
2- I know who u did last summer - By Arnold Swazen-pecker
3- Good Will Humpin - By Wesley Pipes

That must have been a horrifying experience for these church guys. Why in the world would you ever do this shit? And who makes gay porn movies? this bugger should be charged with some shit.......Amanda's angels were arrested at any given opportunity till some got saved...oh, that was shadow's angels.

As for Benny Hinn, that high roller who made guys buy him a personal jet, he got what was coming to him. Tiger Woods had just called him to pray for his marriage, then he saw the news, "Benny Hinn fails to pray for his own marriage", so he cancelled.

If these are the chaps goin to heaven, ad rather go to hell, coz they'll probably show gay porn in heaven.


zsamm said...

one of the loudest voices for the anti-gay bill just happened to have some gay porn lying around?
again... massive,epic #FAIL!!!
(i lv yr blog btw =))

Ms.Drama said...

LOLest...I REALLY wana know how the "church" reacted...
but am sure he's also been getting a "full house" at his services of late with guys hoping for a re-run ;-)

Smith Oba said...

Welcome Sam, now am sure atleast 3 people are up in here.

Looks like this guy has LOADS of porn material, he must be paying for some sins he commited, it's now a stage called "atonement".

I am VERY sure there's no guy that would watch a re-run of that crap, except the pastor maybe.

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