In case you thought priests were the only chaps that worked on Sundays (yet their boss rested on this day), u sure were wrong. A larger number of us are beginning to work on Sundays so don’t be super shocked when yo boss asks you for that precious Sunday to come in and polish up on that presentation to the board. In fact, u expect others to work, so why not you….and here are the “others” that work on Sunday;
Rolex sellers;
Coporatal chaps these days drink till morning (my advise to them is to go jump of a roof if they are looking for a faster way to kill themselves). They usually drive off at 6am and head straight to that rolex guy for that much needed fix, before they go home, sleep and return to the bar on a Sunday evening on that bullshit of “man we pushed till morna, it was 7 in the cocks when I walked out..….man we were super baalaaazzzedddd!!” These factors have created jobs on Sunday mornings for Sula’s competitors. And trust these guy’s street smarts, there is now a rolex with katogo in it, wa’gwan!!
Fake pastors;
These chaps are super busy on Sunday sowing seeds of empty after-life promises to unsuspecting members of the congregation who would not have lost their dimes if they had drunk ‘til 7 in the cocks’, and would only have spent 3k bucks on a katogo rolex other than the car log book and land title they have promised “Evangelist Apostle X” for that last spot in heaven (and a visa to the US while at it, and oh, a passport too before u 4get sir pastor)!
Service Industry employees;
From Cineplex to all shopping malls, Sunday is no rest day, that Sabbath shit of “respect the resting day” ended on that exam paper of CRE, of PLE. Nga u can see bu smart chicks climbing taxis at 7am and u think we are such a religious society, until the taxi passes the road going up to Christ the King Church and stops at Nandos where the bu chicks step off and head to Dominoes or Mateos and organize the aprons for work. Bosses who refuse to work on Sunday then stroll in and start yelling at the poor bu chicks “Customer is king”, fuck off u lazy boss, at least she woke up to work, cut her some slack, this ain’t yo office bitch, u are no king here!
Street Vendors;
For some reason, people be bored to death on Sundays, there is nothing to do at home. TV stations show live proceedings of church services / masses (as if they think we don’t know where the churches are) while radio stations play gospel music (as if they think we don’t know where the churches are). The only alternative is to buy newspapers or movies (for a standard 1 thou). These vendors be walking around with baggage on their hands you would think they were created to be forklifts, then Jah changed his mind, he said “fuck it, let it be a human”. Their arms be bursting with veins that look like chain saws as they carry around that mass heap of merchandise, even garbage trucks do less mugging work than these guys.
Telcom Engineers / Switch attendants;
These guys usually pint at Silk but do not tell you they have work on Sunday, anti they are posers like that, what with the branded pickups and blackberrys! They climb poles during the day and make reports on Sunday while checking if our networks are clear, but do not observe the day of the Sabbath, they probably think it’s a Jacuzzi bath tub kinda thingy, after theorizing it with their pie charts and exponential formulae…so they go to office instead to check the blinking thingies on the mast computer controls.
So we basically have these people to thank, along with smelly housegirls and lice infested gate keepers and the insanely broke private security askaris for keeping our Sundays alive. The rest who do no shit on Sunday, it’s time to pick a leaf, and these are;
Bloody Government employees – just driving around our cars to pick charcoal and shit.
Corporatal punks – Just because they said 8 to 5 Mon to Fri doesn’t mean you can’t work out of hours.
The buggers at Aristoc – Why the hell do they close on Sundays, as if we don’t want to read then!
Iguana bar – These punks don’t know that the best pint is on a Sunday, what’s with the closing?
Motorcyle freaks – Oba are they working when they ride to Entebbe beaches with bu chicks clinging on..
God – But u guy God, why don’t u solve the world’s problems when all the above are sleeping?
Well, as for me, the tables wont wait themselves, let me go see what this corporate punk wants!
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you been quiet 2 weeks now. u out of town and civilisation???
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