Thursday, March 4, 2010

A tirade at gay punks!!

The wise guys (and they were more than 3) at the highest decision making organ (wonder why they call them organs, reminds thee of the stomach or intestines) in Mexico city, capital of Me-hi-co, have legalised gay marriage in their city. This only means that Ugandans that want to survive being shot to death after being sentenced have just gotten a new home, unfortunately there are no direct flights to Mexico.

This heinous crime (legalizing this shit) happened after the leading party (The NRM, RPF, PNU) of Mehico city passed the damn thing in parliament, since most of their supporters wished so.
What’s with these gay punks? They are winning round after round while we just sit there. God must be pissed wherever he is coz project “chow” is being interfered with.

Being a minority is sometimes a good thing, you can get away with whatever shit you feel u want. Blacks in that lousy country USA say “nigger” all the time, no rap song is complete without it’s mention, but let a white chap mess up and whisper it, it’ll be a catastrophe. Albinos in Uganda want a rep in parliament. Born again punks get away with making the loudest of noises every Sunday morning in our neighbourhoods, but a bar is not allowed to make half the noise.

Gay bastards are using the minority card to trample on the rest of humanity, now they’ve taken Mexico city too!

I’d rather dry hump a goat and introduce it to my parents!!

Lesbians by the way, are alright, they mean no harm, and their reasons for turning against nature are usually understandable, they be like “after my 5th boyfriend, I decided that ALL men are dogs, so am through with them, let me give girls a try”
U never EVER heard a chap be like “after my 6th girlfriend, I have given up on girls……” except some pastors we know.

Fuck these gay bastards and their minority bullshit. And what’s that crap of “I was born that way?” What, like God (if he actually exists) gave ‘em some genes to chase around a fellow chap? How come wild animals never get that gene? Heck, even male baboons have been seen to fondle chick’s boobs at zoos! They just spit at guys, and they are our closest relatives!

As someone said, gay guys are mentally ill people, they compare closely with those guys that be in garbage cans and shit. As a guy reyally, u goin to say u can walk to Mateos, see all those ballistic brown browns and still wink at the chap serving pints? If that’s not insanity, there’s nothn else to describe it.

The only advantage these bastards enjoy is they don’t have to go through that child birth and rearing thing. Those slimy little buggers, so-called bundle of joys (more like bundle of pampers, expensive pampers) are a reminder that patience is a virtue. You gotta wake up at 3 am to the screams of these little nuts wanting milk and shit, then walk around tapping their minute backs so they can “burp”, then walk some more so they get to sleep, yet the bugger keeps smiling, at the freakin light bulb!!! Now it’s 4.30 am and the nut gets to sleep, then yo alarm goes off at 6 am. Maybe that’s why these insane fellows are gay!!!

But, a quick reminder from the oblongata indicates that we too, were crying like little sissies at age 1 day to around 3 years old, so who are we, not to give others a chance to nug us to almost-death?

As for gay punks……..a multiple death sentence wouldn’t be bad!!


Ms.Drama said...

Clearly IT is a sore...very sore point.
I think what has gone wrong is society as a whole.
We have decided to ape whatever the whites (and u know i don't mean color) do; problem is we forget that those chaps are super idle and thats why they have to "experiment".
also ever noticed these gay chaps are never 2 broke guys....its either one broke chap with one loaded chap..or 2 loaded chaps.
as for lesbos...i think men turn a blind eye..coz its kinda a thrill for y'all...

Smith Oba said...

Well well, what do u know! At the end of the day, the gays will obviously win, but not for the reasons brought forth by OfficialSerj, that's a bit mis-comparing, poor black chaps.....and twins.....and muslims, they never hurt anyone, but the gays are messing up the kids.

Well, this is an arguement that'll take ages, as i think of a new post!

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