Friday, October 31, 2008

Generation Y Prezident!

Ultimately the kids will one day take over power, the so-called generation Y, we being the Generation X characters. But am imagining what the chaos will be like when these little pumpkins, brains adulterated by MTV and Cineplex movies have a press conference as the President;

Reporter: Mr President, why did u arrest the main opposition leader on charges of rape?

Prez: Yo dawg, dawg, why u have to do me like that, aksing me the real hard shit! Anyway, this cat commited a crime, and the law is not segregative to none o y’all!

Reporter: What about the minister parliament censured and u returned to cabinet?

Prez: Caz he’s my bwaaaaiiii!! Dawg, he’s my boy, from like way back when u cowards were hiding under yo beds, while we were chilling in the bush, flexing the ol ass regime of that ldi Amin fool!

Reporter: What about the Kony rebels?

Prez: Ma Nizzle, those cowards are just a bunch of bi-a-tches and whores, getting their dimes from outside the country and shit. To me, they are just bollocks, next que-ck-stion!

Reporter: Now that URA is hitting it’s targets, shall we see better roads?

Prez: Yo, I know those cats have managed to raise the loot we need, but dawg, these donors are up on our ass, like a problem, telling us shit like where to squander the loot, in areas like health and agrizzo!! Dawg, I need to get me a new set of bazzokas and shit, and play War theft Auto up in this great lakes piece, waaduup!!!

Reporter: But Sir, what about the….


Prez: Don’t call me sir fool, I beez the the shiznit of a prez, dawg! U dig??

Reporter: Yes, Mr Shiznit!

Prez: Now get up outta my face, I gots to buzz, my hommies from the ministry of secuzzo and finizzo tell me they gat some loot, from some wetland deal with NSSF, so ama be up and outta here till the next quek-sion time, PEACE OUT!!!

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