Wednesday, October 29, 2008


It must be hard work living in Goma, what with the endless fighting, earthquakes, a deadly volcanic eruption 2 years ago, an ebola outbreak, no central government, and now to top it all up, a one Laurent Nkunda decides to open a war in that area!

What beats everyone’s understanding is all these rebel chaps saying they are fighting for their people, but in the real sense are causing untold mayhem to the people they claim to be fighting for. In this week, thousands of people, who Mr Nkunda is fighting for, have been displaced from their homes, when mortar shells, bullets and other war stuff was sent to their neighbourhoods. The people in turn attacked the UN base in the area, accusing the UN of being UN-helpful, UN –reliable, UN –serious and totally UN –bothered by their plight!

We hope for better ways to solve our issues, rather than killing chaps who happen to be thriving on trade. Sani Abacha, got it coming his way when he over dosed on Viagra and died in the act of a chow, and as someone put it, he came and went at the same time!!

Lets send Nkunda some Viagra!

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