Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In the Noose

In today’s Gazzette, which like the villagers aforementioned, was a newspaper of the 70’s and now every paper is a gazette, are some very interesting revelations from the police and government, in a very lousy attempt to explain the rampant accidents occurring on Ugandas roads, and heres what the buggers had to say;
1- Cars are in very dangerous conditions, so people should fork out more money to buy tyres, and newers cars.
2- Drivers are drink driving like a problem.
3- Women dressed in mini-skirts are causing drivers to knock pedestrians!

The fourth bloody excuse they gave I didn’t even bother to read, coz I was having concerns of my own like;

1- the roads are too nasty, these things are no longer pot holes, heck, homeless people are having such a blast using them as bunkers by night, and they blame the cars!
2- These irritants called boda bodas, second only to flies at lunch time in a kafunda in Wandegeya, are causing untold mayhem to drivers, probably worse than mini-skirt wearing chicks. They simply ride however they want, even at least bees have trafiic flows!
3- This drink driving excuse, I know for one the bus that knocked 5 cars at Mengo was like at 3pm, the Lugazi accident, which happened as a direct impact from the dodging of a pot hole, was like at 7 pm! Theres no Happy Hour at any bar before these said times, so why bother us??

Am going to join government soon, coz I really also need to air out nonsense in public!

In international news, Obama leads in polls, suicide blast in a market in Kabul, Sudanese abduct 6 aid workers in Darfur, Hamas shells Israel with mortar rockets, Mugabe refuses to step down, elections rigged in yet anatha African country. Nothing new really, u can go bak to work !!

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