Sunday, December 27, 2009

Floetry in Pint-ville!!

I walked all the way to a bar

To be fair, it wasn’t that far

My first order was for food

They said it wasn’t that good

Coz all they had in the kitchen

Was nuttin but bones of chicken

I instead settled for a Bell

Though the last time I drank it I fell

And that story I’ll never tell

For it makes me feel like hell

On seconds I may tell is as well

Since its quite a pretty tale

Twas a beautiful Monday morning

All Christians were still in mourning

Their saviour had died that Friday

Resurrected and disappeared that Sunday

This Monday was still an Easter

I walked to the bar and asked the Mister

For a Bell and ice cold Twister

He gave me a crate of Bell to drink

Till my head span and stopped to think

I tried to leave but tripped on the chairs

Fell all the way down the concrete stairs

Drunkards just watched me agape in stares

I thought it should only be fair

If they could also fall and the pain we share

So today am getting another pint

Hoping I won’t fall like the last night!

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