Good question, what do men like? For starters, anything that wears a skirt as conventional clothing, ranging from the hot shot company MD to the low life house maid, depending on how many pints one has had, no discrimination on this issue.
Some men however, like the Archbishop Robinson of the Anglican church, love people in skirts, that’s a given, however, they love those men that be masquerading in skirts with names like Father, Bishop and Pope, they love em all cassock-wearing spiritual asses!
Men, that is the rest of the species with the decency to be normal, are lesbians, yes, they love chicks. Matter of fact, if a man ever caught his wife in a compromising position with another chick, he would be super excited, he would just ask his wife “please please please honey let me watch!!! please continue, I love u babe, u are the shit, me n u forever babe!!!”
However, when it’s the other way round, a chick will grab the nearest panga and slice up that gay delivery chap that is warming his groin up against her boo! These gay bastards with all their dime, trying to mess us up! How come the lesbian organisations don’t have dime to convert broke chicks into their societies? We, the normal chaps are thinking of sinking dimes into the lesbian groups, coz gay buggers are taking over, cutting our foreign aid and stuff!
Y’all must be wondering, when is the next point coming up, as in what else do chaps like, erm, sorry to bust ya bubble, but that’s just about it – chicks, lesbians or straight ones, that’s just about it!
What, did u say cars? Nah, that’s no longer an issue, fuel prices bust our bubble! Phones? What’s that shit? Unless you live in Masaka, it’s all good now! Money? Oh shit, sorry I forgot, men love their wallets BIGGER!
Lumpens be walking up to highly educated chicks seated at their desks posting snaps on facebook, drop a ballistic Samsung phone, with airtime, and their number, never to say even a word! That trick, although such a cliché, unbelievably still works. The chick beez calling, never mind she’s a hot shot 26 year old rising up the ladder of that top 10 tax paying corporatal company and the chap is a 57 year old civil servant with 20 houses, built from Global Fund dimes. First she’ll be telling her girls, “what the hell is wrong with that wrinkled ol punk, sending me a phone as if!!!”
Secretly at 12.30 am she beez calling;
“Hi, is this Honourable…………….. (insert name of a 57 year old wrinkled govt official), I was meaning to call…erm….is yo wife at home….i think I want to see you…..”
The wrinkly old thieving bugger is like;
“Aki chu a rry I was wanted to or-so call, I sent some bu frowers to yo-wa office, and air ticket to cape town, we sha-rr meeting zeya”
“Ahhhh my gash, you shouldn’t have, ok, I’ll get leave next week, then we hook up!!”
Ok, this is some chauvinist shit, but 80% of the times, this shit happens, and somehow the snaps are leaked to the internet (See Jagaza with Zain, in Cape Town).
So there u have it, chaps like dime…..erm…to get the only thing they like, BIRDS! We can comfortably say, men love bird watching! They are hyenas always on the prawl! They are lions, always on the hunt!
Disclaimer: Any similarities with actual people is coincidental! Except the Jagaza wrinkled man......BITCH!!!
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