Monday, December 14, 2009

Co-habiting woos!!

Men are a TOTALLY different species from women, which begs the question, what the hell is wrong with Pastor K, and Archbishop Robinson and oh, all those fucked up priests!

Living with a chick though can be a daunting task for we species, coz the rules of engagement (not the fiancĂ© thingy) are from a totally different globe! What’s with the toilet seat being left up? For the sake of the Ibanda chaps, lets explain.

The toilet has a cover, and a seat, so while peeing, the chaps have to lift up the seat so that he doesn’t sprinkle his un-wanted smelly liquids onto the seat, coz that’s property of the chick’s ballistic behind.

Fine, guys put up that seat and go about their bizness, but all hell breaks lose when the chick goes to the facilities and u left the damn seat up!! My goodness, its like a cat whose tail has been stepped on! Chick’s fur beez standing up straight as she rages on about how un-couth yo lazy ass is, cant put the seat back doen??? Who the hell do u think you are??

Then of course the argument starts, and trust chicks to always remember stuff of ages ago, she beez like “no wonder Maggie couldn’t stand yo ass!!” We are left no choice but to say “that was 21 years AGO, and we were in Kitante!!!”

The worst of course is the ego burster, the killer punch, the shit that drives guys to bars. See, you have just finished eating that ballistic katogo from Romalo, and you dumped the plate in the sink, and went back to blast on a pirated copy of 30 rock, its new godamit, clarity don’t count here! Then she walks in, mama mia!!

“You good for nothing BASTARD, cant you wash yo plate, do I look like a slave to you???”

“Look, the maid will wash them”

Then the punch, un-called for, you be still in the argument then she goes;

“pre-mature ejaculator!!”

So we all congregate in Gabiro, to maturely DRINK PINTS!!! If we had Tiger Woods dime, we would just buy a huge ring every time we forgot to wash the plates, and oh, give up our careers too!! Way to go Tiger, on the solution to this predicament.

Disclaimer: Any resemblance to matters described above are PURELY coincidental!!

1 comment:

Ms.Drama said...

and hence the
your habits shall surely be questioned

but seriously...whats the ish with putting the seat back down?

as for at least take the plate to the sink...there are those who push it to one side like it has legs to ferry itself to the sink ;-)

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